This is Max's room. He's three now. I was originally planning to do a nautical sea captain theme, and make his room sort of like the captain's quarters, but then I found this wallpaper with the crowned monkeys flying in balloons and I had to have it! So the theme changed to flying monkey pirate captain, which, if you know Max, is much more fitting. In my head the monkeys roam the earth, exploring and studying other animals, hence the maps, suitcases and numerous animal pictures.
There's a lot going on in here, I guess that's just how I roll. Most of it I like a lot, but I may scale things back just a bit. I put in some things recently, like the red toy holder to the left of the bed, and some photos that Max took at my parent's house but looking at it through pictures now I think it's a little bit much. If I revise I'll definitely post those pictures.
I filled his room with a lot of personal things, like pictures of all his favorite people and pets, and even some artwork that Jake and I did when we were younger. It's a happy room--there's lots to look at and most of it is at Max's eye level. I defintely wanted the room to be a kid's room, and for him. I hate kid's rooms that are completely adult, and maybe if the kid is lucky, he or she will have one color coordinated toy on display. That's bullshit. Kid's rooms should be fun and cheerful and kinda stuffed with toys and cool stuff. Max seems to like it, and I love it.